I've been working in the design field for the last 20 years. The majority of my work has been in print publications. More specifically, trade magazine design and layout. Promotional material, media-kits and advertising design have also been part of my responsibilities. During that time I have also worked on the production and pre-press portions of publishing.
Print PuBlication Covers and spreads
JAZZed September 2012.
JAZZed September 2012.
JAZZed July 2008.
The JAZZed July 2008 cover story featured Chico Hamilton.
2013 Director's Resource Guide.
SBO October 2012.
Choral Director Magazine September 2012.
The March 2010 Cover of JAZZed Magazine Featuring Delfeayo Marsalis.
The 2007 SBO Music Director's Survival Guide. This piece was a combination of Illustrator and photoshop. I drew the emblem in illustrator, then combined it with a wood grain image. Last all the copy was laid out.
The SBO 2008 Director's Resource Guide.
The SBO 2010 Survival Guide. This was a stock image of a hand holding a knife. I then used photoshop and illustrator to add the instruments into the knife.
JAZZed Magazine March 2013.
Features and Departments
Promotional Ad, one page ad for the Jazz Education Network.
Promotional Ad, one page ad for the Jazz Education Network.
Promotional Ad, one page ad for the Jazz Education Network.